Application Form for Oversea Students
Application Form for Oversea Students
Please fill in the form in English or Chinese and print the form afterwards. Handwriting is not acceptable. Please write NONE if not applicable.
姓 名 Name | 姓 Family Name |
| 中文名 Chinese Name |
| 照片(白底) Photo (white background) | |||||||||||
名 Given Name |
| 国 籍 Nationality |
| |||||||||||||
出生日期 Date of Birth | 年 月 日 Yr. Mo. Day | 出生地点 Place of Birth |
| |||||||||||||
婚姻状况 Marital Status |
| 性 别 Gender |
| 宗 教 Religion |
| |||||||||||
最高学历 Current highest Educational Background |
| 目前职业 Current Occupation |
| 电子 邮件 |
| |||||||||||
护照号码/Passport No. 有效期/Valid until |
| 健康状况 Health Status |
| |||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
学习计划 Study Plan at LVTC
| 非学历教育 (学历生可以不填) Non-Degree Education(Diploma students may not fill in) | 语 言 生/Language student £ ( long or short time learning) 短期培训生/Short-term trainee £ ( training programs) 交 换 生/ Exchange student £ (partner colleges) | ||||||||||||||
学历教育 Degree Education | 通过汉语水平4级 HSK 4 Exam Yes £ No £ 第一志愿(1st. Major Choice) 第二志愿(2nd. Major Choice) 是否服从调剂/ Accept other majors or not? 是/Yes □ 否/No □ | |||||||||||||||
留学期限 Duration of Study | 自 年 月 日 到 年 月 日 From Yr. Mo. Da. To Yr. Mo. Da. | |||||||||||||||
申请人在华学习 或工作情况 Have you ever studied or worked in China? | 是/Yes □: 学习或任职单位/School or Employer: 在华时间/Time in China: 自/From: 年/Year 月/Month 至/To: 年/Year 月/Month 否/No □ | |||||||||||||||
永久通讯地址 及电话号码 Permanent Address and Telephone Number | 国家/County: 城市/City:_______________ 街道/Streets 邮政编码/Postal Code: 电话/Tel.No.: | |||||||||||||||
目前通讯地址 及电话号码 Current address and Telephone Number | 国家/County: 城市/City:_____________________ 街道/Streets __________________________________________________ 邮政编码/Postal Code: 电话/Tel.No.__________________ | |||||||||||||||
紧急联系人(可以是父母或亲戚朋友,国籍不限) Emergency contact during your stay at LVTC (Contact person can be a parent or relative of applicants) 姓名/Name: 与申请人关系/Relationship to the applicant: 电话/Tel: 手机/Cell: | ||||||||||||||||
在华事务联系人(或监护人)/ Contact Person(or Guardian) in China 姓名/Name: 与申请人关系/Relationship to the applicant:_____ 电话/Tel: 手机/Cell:
| ||||||||||||||||
教育经历(必填) Educational Experience(Required) | ||||||||||||||||
学校 Institution
| 在校时间 Study Period (from/to) | 主修专业 Major | 所获证书、学位 Diploma received
| |||||||||||||
工作经历/Work Experience | ||||||||||||||||
工作时间 Date (from/to)
| 工作单位 Company
| 职位 Position
| ||||||||||||||
经费来源/Source of Finance | ||||||||||||||||
奖学金/Scholarship □ 自费/Self-Supporting □ 校际交换College Exchange □ 其他/Other □ | ||||||||||||||||
£拟申请奖学金 Scholarship | £广西政府东盟国家留学生奖学金 Scholarship for ASEAN Countries Students in Guangxi □新生奖学金 Freshmen scholarship at LVTC □企业定制培养奖学金 Scholarship for enterprise-tailored program □其他奖学金 Other scholarship | |||||||||||||||
£自费 Self-support | 担保人姓名/Name of Financial Sponsor: 电话/传真Tel/Fax: 地址/Address: | |||||||||||||||
£校际交换 College exchange | 学校名称/College name: 电话/传真Tel/Fax: 联系人/Contact person: 邮箱/E-mail: | |||||||||||||||
具备汉语能能力 Chinese Language Ability | ||||||||||||||||
听力Listening: □很好/Excellent □好/Good □较好/Average £差/Poor □不会/None 会话Speaking: □很好/Excellent □好/Good □较好/Average □差/Poor □不会/None 阅读 Reading: □很好/Excellent □好/Good □较好/Average □差/Poor □不会/None 写作 Writing: □很好/Excellent □好/Good £较好/Average £差/Poor □不会/None HSK考试等级/Level of HSK test: | ||||||||||||||||
其它语言能力 Other Languages | ||||||||||||||||
语言能力(请用优、良、可评估) Language Proficiency (“Excellent”, “Good” or “Passable”) | 英语 English ; TOEFL(score) ; GMAT(score) ; GRE(score) 其他 Others | |||||||||||||||
申请人家庭情况 Family Members of Applicants | ||||||||||||||||
主要亲属 Main Relatives | 姓名 Name | 年龄 Age | 职业 Employment | 电话 Tel. | ||||||||||||
配偶Spouse |
| ||||||||||||
父亲 Father |
| ||||||||||||
母亲 Mother |
| ||||||||||||
兄弟 Brothers |
| ||||||||||||
姐妹 Sisters |
| ||||||||||||
其他需要说明的情况/Further Information:
| ||||||||||||||||
申请人保证: 1.上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的; 2.在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度,尊重学校的教学安排。
I hereby affirm that: 1. All the information in this form is true and correct; 2. I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of the School, and will concentrate on my studies and researches, and will follow the teaching programs made by the university..
日期: 年 月 日 申请人签名: Date: Y M D Applicant’s Signature (无此签名,申请无效/The application is invalid without signature) | ||||||||||||||||
联系方式/Contact Information 网址/Website: / 电话/Tel:0086-772-3156051 邮箱/ 地址/Address:中国广西柳州市社湾路28号柳州职业技术学院 Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College, No.28 Shewan Road Liuzhou Guangxi,China |
Application Form for Oversea Students